Harga USANA Indonesia Bulan Juni 2018. Ada perubahan harga USANA Indonesia sebab beberapa produk sudah diterapkan teknologi Incelligence. Silahkan disimak harga USANA Indonesia dibawah ini.

I. Item # 101, Cellcentials (Core Minerals &  USANA Vitox) Rp. 1.020.000, poin 34, agen Rp 850.000

II. Optimizers (Pengoptimalan/Optimalisasi)

  1. Item # 105, Usanimals (56 tablet) Rp. 360.000, poin 10, agen Rp. 300.000
  2. Item # 110, Proflavanol C (56 tablet) Rp. 832.800, poin 28, agen Rp. 694.000
  3. Item # 120, MagneCal D (112 tablet) Rp. 414.000, poin 14, agen Rp. 345.000
  4. Item # 122, BiOmega (56 tablet lunak) Rp. 452.400, poin 12, agen Rp. 377.000
  5. Item # 123, CoQuinone 30 (56 tablet lunak) Rp. 844.400, poin 28, agen Rp. 704.000
  6. Item # 131, Procosa (inCelligence) (84 tablet) Rp. 538.800, poin 16, agen Rp. 449.000
  7. Item # 134, Visionex (56 tablet) Rp. 538.800, poin 16, agen Rp. 449.000
  8. Item # 135, Hepasil DTX (InCelligence) (84 tablet) Rp. 708.700, poin 24, agen 590.000


  1. Item # 330 Conditioning Make Up Remove (120ml) Rp. 438.000, poin 12, agen Rp. 365.000
  2. Item # 331 Perfecting Toner (120ml) Rp. 552.000, poin 16, agen Rp. 460.000
  3. Item # 333 Creamy Foam Cleanser (120g) Rp. 546.000, poin 15, agen Rp. 455.000
  4. Item # 334 Protective Day Lotion (30ml) Rp. 434.000, poin 12, agen Rp. 362.000
  5. Item # 335 Protective Day Cream (28g) Rp. 654.000, poin 18, agen Rp. 545.000
  6. Item # 336 Replenishing Night Gel (28g) Rp. 642.000, poin 18, agen Rp. 535.000
  7. Item # 337 Replenishing Night Cream (28g) Rp. 642.000, poin 18, agen Rp. 535.000
  8. Item # 339 Vitalizing Serum (28g) Rp. 676.800, poin 19, agen Rp. 564.000
  9. Item # 340 Hydrating Eye Essence (15g) Rp. 804.000, poin 22, agen Rp.670.000

III. Harga Paket

Item # 167.191200, Basic Pack– Nutrisi dasar  untuk gaya hidup sehat untuk menjaga kesehatan Anda.

Cellssentials (2 botol), Proflavanol C (1 botol), MagneCal D (1 botol), BiOmega (1 botol), CoQuinone 30 (2 botol), Procosa (1 Botol), Visionex (1 botol), Hepassil DTX (1 botol), Business Accelerator Suite (4 set), poin 200, Rp. 5.350.000

Item # 433.191200, DIA Pack– Dasar nutrisi untuk diet seimbang dan gaya hidup sehat.

Cellssentials (2 botol), Proflavanol C (2 botol), BiOmega (1 botol), CoQuinone 30 (1 botol), Visionex (2 botol), Hepasil DTX (2 botol). Business Accelerator Suite (4 set), poin 200, Rp. 5.500.000.

Item # 457.191200 HEALTHY AND BEAUTY DRY PACK – Conditioning Make Up Removal (1 botol), Perfecting Toner (1 botol), Creamy Foam Cleanser (1 botol), Protective Day Cream (1 botol), Replenishing Night Cream (1 botol), Vitalizing Serum (1 botol), Hydrating Eye Essence (1 tube), Cellcentials (2 botol), Proflavanol C (1 botol), CoQuinone 30 (1 botol), poin 200, Rp. 5.550.000

Item # 457.191210 HEALTHY AND BEAUTY OILY PACK – Conditioning Make Up Remover (1 botol), Perfecting Toner (1 botol), Creamy Foam Cleanser (1 botol), Protective Day Lotion (1 botol), Replenishing Night Gel (1 botol), Vitalizing Serum (1 botol), Hydrating Eye Essence (1 Tube), Cellcentials (2 botol), Proflavanol C (1 botol), CoQuinone 30 (1 botol), BiOmega (1 botol), poin 200, Rp. 5.730.000

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